How to Clean an Ice Machine: Your Step-By-Step Guide
How to Clean an Ice Machine: We created a helpful, step-by-step guide to help you get your ice maker clean efficiently.Did you know that your ice machine should be cleaned and sanitized at least once every six months?This will help the machine run efficiently and prevent any ice contamination.If your business has an ice machine, knowing how to properly clean it is crucial. We have created the following step-by-step guide on how to clean an ice machine to make cleaning a breeze.1. The First Step
Oct 25th 2019
7 Common Reasons Why Your Dryer Won't Start
Millions of dryers are sold in the United States every year. Dryers last for about 10 years. When you've had a dryer for that long, you're bound to have problems along the way. Nothing stays in perfect condition forever. Before you try the solutions below, check to see if the circuit breaker has overloaded or shorted. Sometimes flipping your breaker switch will do the trick. If this doesn't appear to be the issue, read on to learn about other common issues your dryer may be experiencing. Make su
Sep 10th 2019
3 DIY Washing Machine Repair Tips
Is your washing machine shaking, leaking, or making a strange noise? These easy DIY washing machine repair tips will help you quickly figure out what's wrong and get it working like new, without breaking the bank.Most appliances aren't made to last forever. Washing machines only have a typical lifespan of 11 years. Though, they have a tendency to break down and need maintenance as much as any other appliance.Depending on how many years you want to keep your washing machine, the repair costs coul
Oct 18th 2018
Top 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Light Bulb
Whether it's for a lighting fixture in you're home or some sort of appliance, you need the right light bulb to get the job done. Read on to learn how to choose the right one.Are you looking for the right light bulbs for your home?Choosing a light bulb sounds pretty straightforward, but they come in different shapes, sizes, brightness levels, and energy efficiency.To achieve the best lighting in every room, you should know what type you need for each area.Keep reading to discover 5 tips for buyin
Sep 5th 2018
5 Common Freezer Problems and Tips on Fixing Them
Are you experiencing freezer problems? If so, click here to find out about the most common types of freezer issues and how you can fix them.Did you open your freezer and find a melty mess or worse, a block of ice? Freezer-burnt food can put a damper on anyone's dinner plans!If your frozen items are frosted over, or your loud freezer keeps you up at night- don't call the repairman just yet.It's possible that your freezer problems are a simple fix you can do yourself. Is your freezer behaving badl
Jul 31st 2018
Clothes Dryer Not Drying? 4 Tips For DIY Troubleshooting
If you are putting clothes in your dryer and turning it on, only to find them still soaking wet an hour later, it's time to investigate the problem. Here are 4 troubleshooting tips for a dryer not drying properly,You have an important date tonight but your favorite shirt is dirty. You've got time to wash it so you do and pop it in the dryer while you're showering.Only trouble is by the time you're ready for your shirt it isn't ready for you. Even though it's had plenty of time to dry it's still
Jun 6th 2018
Gas Stove Repair 5 Pieces of Advice For
Is your gas stove not lighting? There may be something broken that you can fix on your own without hiring a maintenance worker. Read more here for tips on gas stove repair.It seems that these days, most new homes are being loaded with electric stoves instead of their traditional gas counterparts. This is a shame because they provide some tremendous advantages.Gas stoves tend to heat food quicker and more evenly than the electric variety. They also provide major financial benefits by potentially
May 22nd 2018
5 Best Tips for DIY Appliance Repair
Are you a do-it-yourself guru? The truth is, most appliances are easy to fix, if you know the basics. Here are the top five tips for DIY appliance repair.When buying a new home, the average homeowner will spend around $12,000 just in new furnishings and appliances. For the average do-it-yourself homeowner, this could really take the wind out of their sails. If you've got perfectly good appliances, there's nothing a little DIY appliance repair can't fix.The problem with repairing broken appliance
May 9th 2018
Simple Repair Tips for Your Electric Dryer
Don't call an expensive repair service for your electric dryer until you've checked it out yourself. Here's how to fix some of the most common dryer issues.No matter what type of appliance you have, they are all prone to problems that cause them to work either less effective or not at all. If you have an electric dryer, it's typical for them to develop issues making you think it's time for a replacement.That's not always the case, and it can cost a lot of money if it happens often enough.Learn m
Apr 26th 2018
How To Clean Stove Burners
Did you know that the average American woman spends about six hours each week devoted to housework and chores?No matter where you fall on that average, one thing is for sure: most of us want to cut down the amount of time we spend cleaning!We're here to show you how to clean our stove burners quickly, efficiently, and even joyfully!Let's get into what you need to know.Before You StartBefore you set out for cleaning, you need to wait until the burners are completely cooled! After all, you don't w
Mar 26th 2018